Hannu L. T. Heikkinen — Hannu Jokinen — Ilona Markkanen — Päivi Tynjälä (edit)

Know-how sharing — Peer group mentoring in the education sector

Why would you do it all alone, when around you there are also other capable people? Co-operation and support of colleagues make you hold up better and you'll find you can do more than you knew.

Peer group mentoring or peeme is a method used to support work-based learning and well-being. The book presents a variety of working peeme practices and theoretical frameworks.

The book acts as a handbook for mentoring and inspires to strengthen one's expertise with others. It is aimed at teachers, teacher students, teacher educators, headmasters, education authorities and other experts working in the field of teaching. It will be particularly useful for new teachers or anyone starting to work in new situations.

The authors are teacher education and research experts.

Published in 2012, 337 pages

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